[Equipment] [Part 3] Do you know about the Emblem system?

Mafia City H501/07/2020

In this article, the Secretary is going to look at the Emblem system and how leaders can utilize the Emblems to conquer the underworld.

Emblems have a simple purpose which is to add attributes to the Leader’s current attributes. The Buffs that come with Emblems can be activated by simply engraving the Emblems on Equipment (A maximum of three Emblems per Equipment). The Pawnbroker displays all the Emblems and their attributes (Click on an Emblem and click the “Emblem Attribute” button to view the Emblem’s attributes). The Emblems come in 6 different color qualities which are white, green, blue, purple, orange and gold. The Emblems can be upgraded by simply combining 4 Emblems of the same quality.

Emblems can be obtained by purchasing packs, killing Mercenary - Reaper, high level Plantation Store, VIP Store event, SVIP Store (unlocked at SVIP 10) and participating in some of the Purchasing events (There is a probability of getting Emblems as a Reward from the Purchase events). Click “Obtain” on the Family Emblem interface to head to the Obtaining Method.

Players are advised to carefully analyze the attributes of an Emblem before engraving it to any Equipment. Removing an Emblem from an Equipment requires the appropriate Removal Tool that can be obtained by spending Gold. The direct removal of an Emblem will dissipate the Emblem.

It is recommended to engrave Emblems with offensive and defensive attributes because of their capacity to greatly increment the ability of any Leader to win battles.

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